A New Start

It has been too long since I have touched this blog. I have come to a realization. A lot of restaurants I love eventually close down. That’s no bueno for me.

I decided to update this blog and journal my love for food in a different way. For some time, I have been wanting to cook different things and decided on a simple yet daunting task: Cook with an ingredient you have never cooked with before. It started off initially as an idea to try new cooking methods. I decided to poach an egg one day and make hollandaise sauce also. With the leftover egg whites, I researched what I could make and found I can make a meringue with what I have in the kitchen. This process got me thinking. I have mostly cooked certain ingredients a particular way and never broke out too far out of my comfort zone. The idea evolved into picking one ingredient and seeing how many different ways I could cook it during a week. Alas, I already knew that would be setting myself up for failure as I barely even cook twice a week for myself.

Salmon Benedict with hollandaise sauce

Twice a week. That sounds like a better plan. Finally the final idea came to be a simple one but more easily reachable. That idea is what I decided to start keeping record of. Cook with an ingredient I’ve never cooked with about 1 – 2 times a week. I may try multiple recipes of one unique recipe like my original idea, but no promises.

I may even fill in old recipes from time to time. I wanted to keep a somewhat replicable recipe of my cooking so I can pass onto others. I never measure anything. All my cooking consists of eyeing the amounts. I can tell you what goes in it, but I cannot tell you how much to put in it. So I decided to also backtrack and cook some old recipes but with measurement.

Why you may ask? As to I only have one answer. Why not? It keeps my creative juices flowing and in the process I can have something to look back and feel a sense of accomplishment.

So let’s see how this turns out. 🙂

Meringues from leftover egg whites