Stacked – Customization to the max

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Del Amo Fashion Center
3525 W. Carson St.
Torrance, CA 90503


Customization to the Max
Warning: If you have no self control. this is not the place for you. You will end up customizing everything and creating a 10 topping burger.

I’m sure if you live in So Cal (Southern California, for all you non-cali folk), SOMEONE will have asked if you have been to The Counter yet. And they describe how you can customize your own burger. Well take that level of control, add a customizable menu for EVERYTHING, and ditch that stupid burger building checklist paper for an ipad, and you have Stacked.

When you sit down, you will give given a short explanation of how it works. Each table is furnish with an iPad loaded with their menu. The iPad may seem like just a fancy way of displaying their menu to intice the gadget oriented customers, but I have to give them props for using the iPad menu to the fullest extent. Let me explain:

iPAD Menu strong points:

Customization of orders. Starting with your burger, you can customize very easily with the iPad. On the left side, you will see your burger stacked with your toppings. Using a swipe motion, you can take out items you do not want, or swipe from a long list of toppings on the right into the burger.

Not just burgers. Did I mention that you can also customize Mac N Cheese with a huge array of toppings as well? Yes. You can now have a bacon, pork adouille sausage, roasted red peppers, red onion, jalapenos, dried sweet corn Mac N Cheese. You can do the same for pizzas, salads.

Extensive Menu. Another advantage over The Counter would be that they have quite an extensive menu.

Appetizer first? No problem! What’s great about the iPad menu, apart from the easy customization, is that you can send orders straight to the kitchen. This doesn’t sound like much, think of the possibilities of this. If everyone is not sure of what they want, you can at least put your appetizer order in, along with your drinks. Also, no need to flag down your server; you need something, you send it.

Discount movie tickets. Yes. Movie tickets. I am not sure of the other two locations, but you can actually purchase movie vouchers at a discounted price while eating. No need to stop by the theatre to get your movie ticket or go to costco to buy a discounted ticket. And guys, you can see how this becomes handy, right?

Hate customizing? That’s fine, here’s what we think is good for you. The menu comes with preset choices so you don’t need to customize and risk your concoction taking a life on its own.


Overall, the food was great. It can be a little on the heavier side, but just think of this as comfort food galore. I heard some people say the burger was not that great, well that’s your fault. You customized it! Of course, don’t expect it to be the best burger in your life, but I have to say the quality of the patty was more than satisfying. Their fries, onion strings, and Wing it! are amazing.

Advice for first timers

My advice is, go simple. As you scroll through the list of toppings, you are most likely going to put in EVERYTHING you like. The more complex flavors you mix in, the more likely you’re going to screw it up. I’m sure you’ll agree that a Salmon Burger on a Whole Wheat Bun with Soy Ginger Sauce, Chipotle Mayo, BBQ Sauce, Garlic Aioli, Pulled Pork, Avocado, coleslaw, fried eggs, and Swiss cheese will not taste good. (Although when reading off each ingredient, it sounds AMAZING) Think of the flavors that you are mixing in as you choose your toppings. I say don’t go over 3 toppings, and stick to one or two sauces top.

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