A Dippin Dots Celebration – The ice cream of the future soon to be of the past?

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I know this is my first post in a while, but I’m sorry to say it’s not a food review. 😦

I thought I’d also share my other types of food-capades. Although I throw parties where I cook a lot of food, I have never had a party with much creativity. Pretty much, my parties never had a theme. That’s where my friends shine! One thing majoring in Architecture at Cal Poly does to you is that you do not do the mundane things in life.. well mundane.

If you have heard on the news, Dippin Dots, the ice cream of the future, may become a thing of the past. They have filed for bankruptcy. Well, I hope they don’t file for bankruptcy. They are still concocting new flavors (such as the rocky road that we were able to sample). My friend Kira decided that she wanted to celebrate her birthday but also have a tribute party to Dippin Dots. Now before I go on, I have to say, the last time I had Dippin Dots was probably in freshman year in highschool. I think it was either at the Block or at a mall where they had a Dippin Dots station. What I didn’t know was that you can order it online and serve Dippin Dots at home. Yes, that’s right. Dippin Dots can be delivered straight to your door.

Kira and her lovely housemates created a photobooth with Dippin Dots props such as a large spoon with the Dots, and Dippin Dots glasses. You’ll probably see some of our silliness while taking photos in the slideshow. Even our tasting spoons had little fuzzy balls on them to look like Dippin Dots!

So it was decided that we would proceed with the Dots like a tasting session. We would open up one at a time and taste a little bit and move on to the next flavor. We had beer and champagne to cleanse our palettes. (yes I realize they might not be the best choice but it was an excuse to drink).

The flavors we tasted that night were:

  • Mint Chocolate
  • Cookies and Cream (w/ Oreos)
  • Banana Split
  • Rocky Road (new flavor!)

They were all very good but I think my vote went to the Rocky Road. I think the excitement of it being a new flavor that we get to sample was ringer. It tasted like an actual Rocky Road! It even had little pieces of almond, which is I thought was just great.

If you are sick of throwing the same kind of party (potluck, movie, BYOB, BBQ, etc.), I say be creative and try throwing a party with a common theme. Whether it be Dippin Dots or maybe something very odd like a sausage and cheese tasting party, it’s pure fun and everyone is usually up for a unique adventure. Sometimes, we just need any excuse to show a little bit of silliness in our lives.

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