Pears – The Ultimate Cancer Preventing Food (배 – 암 예방을 위한 최고의 음식)

You might wondering what the heck I’n talking about, but I recently watched a Korean health show and they did a thing about pears, specifically Korean Pears (the huge round pears you see at Korean markets).

Studies show that if you eat Korean Pears (I’m not sure if this applies to all pears, but they mentioned that the Korean Pears specifically was the best) right after a meal, within 48 hours a lot of the carcinogens from burnt food, tobacco, etc. gets released through your urine. That’s right, you can pee out a lot of the bad stuff. This doesn’t mean you won’t get cancer but it sure does lower the risk of getting cancer from eating burnt food or BBQ. However, don’t think this means you can go eat Korean BBQ everyday. It takes 48 hours to clean out all the carcinogens from one moderate meal of eating Korean BBQ. If you eat too much meat, or smoke too often, etc., no matter what you do you still risk a possibility of getting cancer or ruin some part of your body. Moderation is still necessary. Pears are also known to be good for your heart, lungs.

However, pears are not good for everyone. Depending on your body type, certain foods can become medicinal or poisonous. If your body type is very cold and weak, pear is not always the best for you since its known to lessen the “heat” in your body. If you go to a Chinese medicinal place or an acupuncturist, they can test to see what kind of body type you are and will tell you what foods to avoid and what foods will be really good for you. Certain foods that is known to be good for you in general may actually cause fatigue, or make you weaker.

배는 암이생기는 원인 중 발암물질을 우리 몸 밖으로 배출시키는 작업을 해주는 암 예방의 최고의 음식이라고 되어있습니다. 그외에 몸에 좋은 작용도 많이 해줍니다. 폐병에도 좋고, 섬유질이 많아서 다이어트와 장을 까끗하게 해주는 효과도 있습니다. 그리고 수분이 아주 많음 과일이라 갈증해소에도 정말 좋습니다. 그러나 역시 암을 예방하는데 도움이 된다는 것이 가장 멋진 것 같습니다. 연구결과 고기를 구워 먹고난 다음 48시간 안에 태운 고기에 의해 있는 발암물질이 소변으로 거의 다 배출 된답니다. 그러나! 역시 그렇다고 안심하셔서 담배를 마음대로 막 하루에 한갑씩 피우거나 고기를 매일 구워드시먼 안됩니다. 삼겹살을 바짝 구워서 거의 태우는 수준에서 먹지 말고 먹는것에 신중해야 합니다. 어디까지나 배는 한번의 식사의 발암물질을 48시간 걸쳐서 배출 시킨거니깐요. 아무리 좋은 약을 먹더라도 더 많은 독을 드시몬 먹으나 마나입니다.

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