Good Service is Only a Button Call Away in Korean Restaurants

One thing I’ve noticed while browsing through Yelp comments on Korean Restaurants is that they all complain about the service being slow; that they do not come by often to their table. I mean granted some restaurants are just really slow to begin with, but it’s cuz they are understaffed but they don’t make enough profit to afford more staff. It sucks for customers but I think we need to understand that it can’t be helped, unless you want the price tag to go up.

Good service is only a button call away

If you notice in many Korean restaurants (not all), you have a small button either on the wall or on the table. This is a call button to call the waiter/waitress. Why? This helps reduce time checking on each customers. So of course if you don’t know this, you’ll be sitting on your butt waiting trying to catch the waiter’s attention for a long time. Like how most ethnic restaurants have their customs, just think of this as ours. It’s how they operate and if you don’t understand that, then that’s your fault. Don’t blame the restaurants for bad service because you weren’t a customer in the know. And don’t feel bad for using the button often, it’s there for a reason; you need something. Just use it. Of course if you know they’ll be back to give you whatever you asked for right away, just hold off.

I truly believe what makes a good restaurant is a good customer. You are not the king, be respectful. Try working in the food industry and you’ll quickly understand that shit happens. I’m a regular at this one Japanese restaurant in Lomita, and sometimes when it gets really busy I just get my own plate or utensils. It’s a harmonious relationship. As a regular, I get more attention, but when it gets too busy, I help them by getting whatever I need myself (since I’m a regular, I should know how things work).

If you use the call button and they still don’t come fast enough, then complain. But please, respect the waiter and waitresses and you’ll be served promptly. People tend to demand respect without respecting the other first. Stop. You’re not king, and you’re def not the smartest person in the world. And we all know you’re not a super busy man who has somewhere to go right after eating. Just chill and enjoy your food.

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